Personalised Consultations

What to expect during your consultation

Discussing Your Goals

Our consultation begins with a discussion about your goals and expectations. We will discuss what specific area/s you want to have treated, the desired colour and style.

Medical History

We will ask you about your medical history and any pre-existing conditions, allergies, or medications you may be taking. This information is important to ensure your safety during the procedure.

Skin Assessment

Your skin type, texture, and tone will be evaluated to determine the most suitable techniques and pigments for your cosmetic tattoo. Skin type and condition play a crucial role in how the pigment will look and last.

Colour Matching, Design and Shape

If you're attending the consultation in salon, we will map your brows or lips and help you determine the colour, shape and style that suits your face and preferences.


We will explain the cosmetic tattooing procedure, including the tools used, numbing methods, and aftercare instructions. We will also discuss the duration of the treatment.


Feel free to ask any questions you may have about the procedure, you're welcome to bring photos to help illustrate your goals.

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